COMMUNITY ALERT: Vatche And Tamar Manoukian High School’s Shuttering Seems To Be Only The Beginning Of AGBU’s School Closure Scheme

Posted on December. 18. 2019

The October announcement of AGBU Vatche And Tamar Manoukian High School (AGBU-MHS) closure in Los Angeles area is not an isolated case. It’s part of AGBU’s Central Board’s ill-vised policy to liquidate all AGBU schools in Diaspora.

Tekeyan Cultural Association’s Los Angeles area TCA Arshag Dikranian school closure was the firing shots of this anti-Armenian campaign that is designed to weaken the diaspora.
AGBU Manougian-Demirjian School (AGBU-MDS) parents and students, stay vigilant. Next, you may be the targets.
Recently, it was revealed by Sarine Nahapetian (see page E4) that “Arch. Derderian knew longtime ago – way before AGBU leaders’ announcement, about their decision to shut down the high school in Pasadena. Yet he kept silent. Some parents at Western Diocese St. Gregory’s A. & M. Hovsepian School (WD-SGAMHS) in Pasadena and other community members are worried that Derderian might be conspiring to shutter the only Diocese-controlled Armenian school in all of Western U.S. Hovsepian school in Pasadena was founded long before his arrival at the Western Diocese.”
A concerned parent of AGBU MDS | Northridge, CA

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