The Sparkle Award, 2020

Posted on September. 7. 2020

Simon J. Simonian was among the first five honorees to receive the Sparkle Award, from jointly The Los Angeles Oasis for Wise and Healthy Aging Committee and the Love of Aging Committee. For the embodiment of aging as a celebration of cumulative wisdom, life of scientific medical research for the betterment of human kind and the freedom to go for it.

Ms. Candace Shivers, The Oasis Events and Activities Manager of Wise and Healthy Aging introduced Simon J. Simonian. He is a Harvard University both graduate and Professor. He is a globally respected surgeon, research scientist, innovator, educator, spiritual and evolutionary growth leader.

From 1951 to 2006 for 55 years, with his collaborators he has innovated six major medical fields. Including, in London University, the creation of a vaccine for the eradication of smallpox. The first and only disease eradicated in history, saving five million lives each year permanently. Recognized as the most important achievement in the history of medicine and public health; nominated three times for a Nobel Medicine Prize. In Harvard University, the creation of an agent of immunosuppression which made organ transplantation successful, saving lives; his senior collaborator received the 1990 Nobel Medicine Prize. In the University of Chicago, creation of an agent of immunotherapy for targeting cancer cells, saving lives. At the Vein Institute in Washington, D.C., improvement in venous and lymphatic vascular diseases, saving lives.

For relieving pain and suffering and saving the lives of eight million people each year permanently. Already, since 1977, approximately 340 million lives have been saved. Equal to the total population of the United States of America.

From 2009 to the present, with collaborators he is working to form a World Union for the expected, desirable and deserving justice and peace for everybody, consistently.

The ceremony was conducted through Zoom, on August 21, 2020. The occasion was the First Annual Global Celebration of Aging and World Senior Citizen Day. There were worldwide participants, who spoke from Asia, Australia, Europe, Canada, North and South America.

When asked what were the enjoyments of living longer, Simon J. Simonian said: his wonderful wife Arpi of 55 years. Their three great sons and three daughters-in-law. Their eight grandchildren. His profound gratitude to his parents, three sisters and many teachers. The 2,000 medical students he trained now practicing as valuable doctors. The 500 doctors he trained now practicing as worthy surgeons and researchers. His profound appreciation to his collaborators for saving eight million lives each year in perpetuity. His expectation with his collaborators for the creation of a World Union, with supranational laws, for making the world the educated, expert, people and rulers, completely collaborative, win-win, safe, moral, ethical, lawful, all needs satisfying, including, jobs, incomes, climate, free of weapons, nonviolent, loving, just, peaceful much better place with cooperative continual evolutionary betterment and growth , for everybody, permanently.

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