Posted on April. 9. 2023

MEDIA INQUIRY sent to ARCH. HOVNAN DERDERI- AN, WESTERN DIOCESE Re: MASSIVE VIOLATIONS OF BY-LAWS AT THE 89TH ANNUAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH AMERICA IN LAS VEGAS 2016 Below is the text of the media inquiry that was sent back in January of this year. As of press time this week, it remained unan- swered. Monday January 2, 2023 Diocesan Council Chairman Mr. Derik Ghookasian Executive Director Harout Markarian Western Diocese of the Armenian Church 3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank, CA 91504 Re: Proceedings of the 89th Annual Assembly of the Armenian Church of North America Dear Mrss. Ghookasian and Markarian, How do you respond to the below report pertaining to the pro- ceedings of the 89th Annual Assembly of the Armenian Church of North America? Did Joseph Kanimian, Esq., Adrienne Krikorian, Esq., and Arch. Hovnan Derderian Conspire to Commit Massive Violations of Western Diocese By-Laws at the 2016 Diocesan Assembly in Las Vegas? The newsletter generated by the Western Diocese dated May 13, 2016 makes the reader feel like the Assembly Meeting was “di- vinely inspired and grace-filled.” Readers would have no reason to believe otherwise. In truth, twice during the meeting, motions to bring a filed complaint against the Primate before the Assembly Delegates were denied by Assembly Chair Adrienne Krikorian, Esq. The delegate who made the motions was cut off by Ms. Krikorian, asked to sit down, and – as he continued to make his voice heard – he was threatened by Ms. Krikorian, to be removed from the meeting. The formal complaint was about the Primate Arch. Hovnan Derderian. Diocesan Council Chair Joseph Kanimian, Esq. and Diocesan Assembly Chair Adrienne Krikorian, Esq. would not allow the delegate to introduce pertinent information about WHAT TRANSPIRED AT 2016 DIOCESAN ASSEMBLY IN LAS VEGAS! Immediately before the Vote of Confidence for the Primate, commercials from the Diocesan Council Chair Joseph Kanimian, Esq. and Diocesan Assembly Chair Adrienne Krikorian, Esq. La- dies Society, the Clergy, all offered support for a “Yes” vote. Thus, all the parishes outside of San Diego were not permitted to know about the complaint that was to be entered and discussed at the Assembly Meeting as prescribed in the by-laws. They voted un- informed of the sequence of events against the Primate that was compiled as public information that included correspondence re- lating to the San Diego Parish. “ON THE LAMPSTAND” is a concise explanation of what transpired against San Diego Parish. This publication would have attempted to illuminate Why, and the Actions and Inactions of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian. “As Armenians struggle against other efforts to misrepresent history and bury unfortunate realities, we must believe that the time is on the side of truth. We are steadfast. We are patient. We will see.” stated a concerned delegate. Primate’s statement to the Assembly Delegates: “The livelihood of the Church is conditioned by the collective noble deeds of the reverend clergy and laity.” “In the traditional style of Primate Hovnan Derderian, Council Chair Joseph Kanimian, Esq. and Diocesan Assembly Chair Adrienne Krikorian, Esq. to date, none of the complaints have been addressed as of May, 2019. … ‘See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil’” — Concerned delegate. Awaiting your response. Best regards, Appo Jabarian Managing Editor USA Armenian Life Magazine

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