Fox News TV Host: What can we all do to prevent the Genocide of Armenians in the twin republics of Artsakh and Armenia?

Posted on April. 29. 2023


On Monday April 23, in a blatant move, under the watchful eyes of the Russian ‘peacekeeping forces’ and a preoccupied international community, Azerbaijan posted ‘Welcome to Azerbaijan’ sign at the illegal Lachin Checkpoint. On Sunday, an illegal checkpoint was established by Azerbaijan at the occupied Hakari River bridge ahead of the “Welcome to Azerbaijan” sign that was posted on Monday. This move effectively cuts off all humanitarian supply deliveries to Artsakh, according to officials. Artsakh government leaders confirmed that all Supplies to Artsakh are Halted. Friday April 28 marks the 138th day of the ongoing genocidal blockade of Artsakh by Azerbaijan. On Tuesday April 24th, I attended the City of Glendale’s Armenian Genocide Commemoration event at Alex Theatre which was emceed and moderated by esteemed fellow journalist Araksya Karapetyan of Fox Channel 11/Los Angeles. During the evening Araksya raised two great questions as to 1) “What the Armenians and non-Armenians can do to remedy the consequences of the 1915-1923 Turkish-executed Armenian Genocide and Massive Dispossession;” and more importantly, 2) “What can we all do to prevent the Genocide of Armenians in the twin republics of Artsakh and Armenia?” The same night, I sent an email to Araksya, articulating American Armenians’ and fellow Americans’ genuine concerns for an impending new genocide against Armenians – this time from Azerbaijan. While all the events failed to effectively find answers to the two vital questions, here’s some good News! There is a visionary organization — AANSI – The American Armenian National Security Institute that is doing groundbreaking work in support of Armenia/Artsakh’s Sovereignty, Independence and Defense. Under the wise and able leadership of Founding Chairman U.S. Army Major General (Ret.) Mark MacCarley, Esq., AANSI has already launched the formation of the first-ever Humanitarian Support Brigade to Armenia that can deploy its growing members to Armenia within 96 hours of notice in case there is a national emergency such as earthquakes, massive fires or wars. AANSI’s Chairman Mr. MacCarley is a highly successful attorney practicing in three districts Washington DC, New York and California. He is a retired U.S. Army Major General who served as Deputy Chief of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. In August 2021, AANSI delegation became the first American and Western team of journalists that was able to enter Artsakh since the stoppage of the 44-Day anti-Armenian aggression by Azerbaijan-Turkey-ISIS terrorist mercenaries. Upon its completion of the first AANSI Educational/Journalistic Mission to Armenia/Artsakh, the AANSI team produced a documentary. Watch: ARTSAKH REPUBLIC’S QUEST FOR SOVEREIGNTY, INDE- PENDENCE — An AANSI Documentary Recently, AANSI completed its third Educational/Journalistic Mission to Armenian. Below is an AANSI documentary focusing on that last mission. Watch: AANSI 3RD EDU MISSION W/U.S. ARMY GENERALS (Ret.) IN ARMENIA’S SYUNIK; NAT’L. DEFENSE RESEARCH UNIV. An impressive number of members of the U.S. Congress has called on recognizing Artsakh Independence and applying economic sanctions against Turkey and Azerbaijan. Some have even called for the introduction of UN Peacekeeping Forces in South Caucasus to help defend the twin Armenian republics that are in their most vulnerable state as a direct result of the unprovoked massive aggression by Azerbaijan-Turkey-ISIS (Islamic State) terrorist mercenaries in Fall 2020. That kind of assistance may require a few years. By the time it comes, it may be too late for The Artsakh and Armenia Armenians. They can be been subjected to the Second and Final Genocide. Armenia and Artsakh may be wiped off the world map. So, at this stage, it’s up to World Armenians and their friends to mobilize themselves and show to the world that the twin Armenia publics are not defenseless.

President Joe Biden officially recognized the Armenian genocide in 2021, the same day he actually signed the Waiver of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act which released unrestricted military assistance to Azerbaijan who is now using that assistance to perpetrate ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Armenian people in Artsakh/Nagorno Karabakh. While Pres. Biden is compelled to follow the dictates of ‘Real Politik’ com- ing out of Wall Street, Armenians must create their own “Real Politik.’ In times of national emergencies, such as earthquakes, massive fires, wars, they must pivot to their ancestral homeland, be on the ground running, providing much needed emergency humanitarian assistance. Sizeable physical presence and hands-on participation can send a strong message to Azerbaijan and Turkey, that Armenia/Artsakh are not left to their fate. Is there a mechanism to facilitate such deployment? Yes, Mark MacCarley, Esq. Founding Chairman of AANSI – The American Armenian National Security Institute has been taking care of the logistics of AANSI Humanitarian Support Brigade to Armenia. In order to best address the two vitally important questions raised by Araksya Karapetyan of Fox News, let there be a communitywide dialog with the participation of Araksya Karapetyan and AANSI Chairman Mark MacCarley and fellow Americans from walks of life — all ethnic and religious backgrounds. Let the dialog continue. AANSI is an all-volunteer organization. Neither the Chairman MacCarley, Esq. nor the Vice-President/Administration Appo Jabarian are remunerated. AANSI – The American Armenian National Security Institute is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. AANSI is not funded by the U.S. government, the Republic of Armenia government or any other government. It is funded through donations provided by generous supporters from within the American Armenian community and mainstream Americans with affinity toward Armenia/Artsakh and the Armenian Heritage. AANSI is a non-partisan entity. If you have any questions, please feel free to call AANSI’s office at 818-241- 5800 or write to or

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