Olivier Giroud auctions off World Cup jersey to support Armenians of Artsakh

Posted on June. 24. 2023

France international Olivier Giroud will provide the proceeds from the sale of his World Cup jersey to Armenians in besieged Artsakh, Nouvelles d’Armenie reports.
The jersey Giroud wore in the quarter-final match against England during the 2022 World Cup was auctioned off during the third edition of the “Night for Mission” charity event. The player scored in the 78th minute of the match.
The proceeds from the sale will be allocated to two Christian organizations, including “Portes Ouvertes”. (Open House) and “Hope for Armenia.”
The representatives of “Open Doors” and “Hope for Armenia” Anne-Florence Roche and Pastor René Léonian were present at this event. They thanked the organizers and donors for their solidarity with the Armenians in Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh.

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