We have a moral duty to further empower the youth in the twin Armenian republics

Posted on August. 30. 2023


Reporting from Yerevan-Paris

Friday August 28, 2023

Back from the AANSI humanitarian mission in Armenia, just a few days ago, I decided to write these few lines to share my feelings about the state of mind that reigns in Armenia.

As a French Armenian, I was elated to participate in the inaugural the Arme- nian-American Institute for National Security (AANSI) Humanitarian Support Brigade training in Aragats, Armenia from August 5 through 12. It was such a pleasure and treat to be in the company of Armenians and non-Armenians, from America, Canada, Spain, Ukraine, Georgia, Russia, Armenia, and even some who participated in the 44-day war in Artsakh.

o participated in the 44-day war in Artsakh. As soon as I arrived in Yerevan, I was able to spend the weekend in the Armenian capital. During this short period of time, I took advantage of the free time to meet people with whom we had been communicating for months on the various online platforms, from Belgium, Russia and Armenia. This moment was very folkloric, to be at a table, where no interlocutor speaks the same language, one speaks French and English, the second Armenian and Russian, the third, Russian and English, and I, French, elementary Armenian and more than average English. We were in a real role-playing game, where everyone helps each other to make themselves understood. The collective effort has shown us that we can all understand each other, in any language. If we want to understand each other, we can.

On the second day, I joined AANSI leaders – AANSI Founding Chairman, U.S. Army Major General (Ret.) Mark MacCarley, Founding Vice-Pres. Appo Jabarian, and some of the Humanitarian Support Brigade members in downtown Yerevan for a brief meeting. On the third day, we were on our way to the training site in the mountain town of Aragats, Armenia.

Despite being negatively impacted by the harmful and destructive consequences of the 44-Day War, and being constantly targeted by anti-Armenian media barrage, the youth in Armenia must be commended for holding their psychological ground.

I realize through these first exchanges that we have a moral duty towards the new generation, which despite the difficulties, does not give up their birthright to live freely in Armenia – their (and our) ancestral homeland. They say they are ready to face the daily difficulties and challenges; that they understand why the twin Armenian republics are going through such a difficult phase. Many also say that they do not intend to sit idly by and let the Armenian Homeland lose its sovereignty. They have determinedly stated that they will do anything and everything to join forces with the Diaspora kinsmen and friends of Armenia to further consolidate the twin Armenian republics’ Sovereignty, Independence and Defense.

fense. The second group of participants was made up of Armenians from the United States, notably from “Nagorno Glendale”, a quote often used by General MacCarley, and participants from Canada.

This group comprised professionals in spheres of medicine and political science, as well as former soldiers who participated in the first, second, and third wars in Artsakh. We began the Humanitarian Support Brigade training in first aid and war casualty care with a two-day instruction by the Armenian Red Cross.

The same evening, we left with a small delegation to Yerevan for the first television interview of Major-General MacCarley. The title of the interview is: “Armenian Army is already transforming – Mark MacCarley”

Armenian Army is already transforming – Mark MacCarley” The interview is available on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/-OoPDFkzyXI On August 8, during the first half of the day, we completed the final part of the training with the Armenian Red Cross which was followed by a presentation on cyber security and information security presented by the Ministry of Defense (MOD) of Armenia, specifically by the new spokesperson of the MOD Aram Torosyan, the former spokesperson Artsrun Hovannisyan, and officials from the cybersecurity department of the MOD.

The content was extremely informative and important, especially for members of the Diaspora. It is evident that we have no room for errors in this information war. In- formation warfare is an area in which the Armenian Diaspora must engage and pre- vail. This task is within our reach and our global network has no other option but to win. We have our soldiers at the front, and the diaspora is the media and political arm of Armenia and Artsakh.

On August 9, we travelled to Yerevan for the second time with a small delegation for a meeting with the High Commissioner for the Diaspora, Mr. Zareh Sinanyan.

We explained to him the objectives of AANSI, which fully adheres to the unified mission of all the participants constituting the Armenian Diaspora to defend the security and sovereignty of Armenia and Artsakh.

The same evening, the entire delegation and the AANSI Humanitarian Support Brigade members gathered around a memorable dinner in Aragats. And according to Armenian custom, the dinner began with a round of the table and everyone drank in memory of those who are no longer there, for the union of Armenians, for the security and sovereignty of Armenia. In these moments, the barriers finally fall, and the notions of the Diaspora, Armenia or Artsakh are transformed under a single banner: to be Armenian, regardless of the place of residence.

I can easily affirm that this moment is when we see the union, where we finally break the differences that we impose on ourselves, that no more obstacles can slow us down, we are all Armenians and we share one struggle.

On August 10, we went to the edge of the artificial lake of Aragats for a demonstration of the Armenian rescue service in case of drowning. A report is filmed on the ABC channel that you can watch via the link. ABC news video: https://abc7.com/american-armenian-national-security-institute-armeniafirst-aid-training/13631054/

The Major-General will return to Armenia in mid-September, he confirmed this information during his broadcast on Armenian National Radio.

Radio show link: https://fb.watch/mu0XpbHbso/ On August 11, I concluded this wonderful journey, by thanking the organizers, General MacCarley, Appo Jabarian, the American trainers, Commander Michael Leum, Ani Martikyan, the young people from Armenia, Syunik, as well as all the attendees. As part of AANSI Humanitarian Support Brigade, we are now the first Diaspora emergency response humanitarian brigade trained and recognized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Armenia that can intervene within 96 hours of notification from the Armenian government in the event of a natural or man-made disaster in Armenia.

The signal from the Diaspora is clear – it will not leave Armenia and Artsakh alone in the event of a national emergency. For more information on the mission or to join the AANSI Humanitarian Support Brigade next training in Armenia, go to the www.aansi.org website or write to info@ aansi.org.

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