Posted on September. 23. 2023

Artsakh is again under attack. It was expected and it is happening now.
We are witnessing the destruction of houses and the killing of civilians. This is being done under the pretense of “restoring constitutional order of the republic of Azerbaijan”.
Were Armenian and Artsakh (AA) ready for this attack? No!
Should they have expected this attack? Yes!
Armenia and Artsakh should have expected the present attack and accordingly should have been ready to defend Artsakh. No credible organization, let alone the AA, were ready to defend themselves against the aggressor.
Politicians within the twin nations were bickering about position and title grab and who should control the presidential palace and who should be the Speaker of the National Assembly. And meanwhile the enemy was getting ready to attack and it did attack.
The Diaspora situation was no better. Bitter infighting about power grab and millions of dollars spent on litigation to pamper individual egos and inflict damage to the opponent rather than unite and create the means and structure to establish a defense mechanism and production of fighter jets and weapons to counter the enemy. The moment of atonement is right here and AA and the Diaspora are not ready.
Another attack is just around the corner, and this time Azerbaijan will attack Armenia. And all hell will break loose.
Do not rely on Russia to defend AA or Armenia. It will do one major blunder and self-serving act to bring Armenia on its knees and make Armenia a vassal nation.
It is better to rely on the U.S.A. to help Armenia with the understanding that it has vital interests in Turkey and Azerbaijan. But should Armenia prove that it is viable country in the Caucasus to bet on, America will collaborate and help Armenia stand on its feet.
What does it take not to have a bloody nose after an attack?
Defense, defense and defense.
Thomas Jefferson clearly stated “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
After the 2020 war AA should have invested heavily in R&D, to come up with weapons to defend their country and may retake the territories lost from the 2020 war. Yet, AA scrambled with internal politics and sidelined the defense idea.
AA MUST conclude that no nation will come to their aid, and or, supply them with weapons. The International Community is waiting on the sidelines to see if AA can defend itself or not? This is the stance of the international language, that is help yourself. Period!
Within the Armenian communities around the world rumors are circulating that they are working on defense of AA. And so far, nothing tangible has come forward. The proof is the 2020 war that devastated Artsakh and it lost the war with humiliating concessions to Azerbaijan.
Armenians all over the world must understand that the only language that the international community understands is the language of power. It is incumbent upon AA and all Armenians to learn the lessons of the 1915 Genocide. The International Community will pay lip service to brutal and unjust attacks, and at the same time no nation will come to the help of AA.
As of the writing of this article, it is urgent that AA get ready for the next attack.
Rallies and demonstrations will give us international awareness and lip service, but nothing tangible.

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