In Light of Azerbaijani Genocidal campaign in Artsakh; Potential Invasion of Armenia, Armenians Should Focus on Strong Defense; Information Security

Posted on September. 29. 2023

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By this weekend, the number of forcibly displaced Armenians from Artsakh is expected to exceed 40,000. The anti-Armenian genocide perpetrated by Turkey-Azerbaijan’s genocidal twins Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ilham Aliyev continues unabated.
Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora have entered a period of intensifying military challenges.
This new historical period is full of many dangers and threats to state sovereignty. A New Armenian Genocide is being carried out in Artsakh.
At this stage of the struggle for existence, the Armenian Nation needs informational security.
An important part of the religious and social structures of the Armenian Nation in the homeland and in the diaspora is threatened by internal parasites who function with virtual impunity.
Together with the world, the children of the Armenian Nation are being targeted by the weak and imperceptible misinformation campaigns of internal and external enemies, which tend to destroy the confidence of the Armenian people.
In these very worrying conditions of the existential struggle, we attach more importance to ensuring the mental and physical health of the members of the Armenian people and maintaining their health.
Therefore, USA ARMENIAN LIFE and USA ARMENIAN LIFE news organizations declare this phase in our collective history Wartime Information Mode.

What is the meaning of Wartime Information Mode?
Dissemination of information in adverse national emergency conditions.
What type of precautions are necessary?
a) To apply extreme diligence in the process of filtering news and articles.
b) To qualify every word, sentence, article, photo and video as a “weapon” of information war. Internal and external enemies can use any or all of these weapons against our people and state. It is necessary that each member of the editorial staff of USA ARMENIAN LIFE and USA ARMENIAN LIFE fulfills his/her mission with great sense of responsibility.
Likewise, every Armenian reader/TV viewer should use and disseminate information with a high sense of responsibility. Lest we spread false and damaging information being circulated by our internal and external enemies. If you receive information that is overly disturbing or encouraging, do not blindly believe it. First of all, check the source of the news and the identity of the author and then decide to share it.
It is necessary to emphasize: It is the task of the editorial staff of the USA ARMENIAN LIFE to protect our collaborators, readers and viewers from propaganda, misinformation or counter-propaganda campaigns and all similar actions of our internal and external enemies.
The war arsenal of the 21st century includes all kinds of informational “weapons” that are put to use every minute and every day by our arch-enemies and frenemies, and especially internal traitors of the 5th column.
Another weapon of Armenian self-defense: Armenian Free Press.
And what about the so-called fake opposition?
Frenemies from outside and anti-Armenian traitors from within!!!
Azerbaijani Genocide against Artsakh Armenians with the tacit support by and with silent complicity of Russia and Russian-sponsored 5th column traitors in Armenia.
Must get rid of this fake ‘opposition’ through a special recall election to detox the political field in Armenia!
What is this genocide for?
For the sake of a coup d’état — the overthrow of Pashinyan’s regime and the usurpation of power by the pro-Russian old-regime kleptocracy through another “October 27-style” political assassinations.
What can be done? Organize special partial parliamentary elections in order to replace the fake opposition with a real opposition that is loyal to the Armenian statehood. It is necessary to strip the parliamentary immunity of the traitor/the members of the 5th column, namely, the so-called “HAYASTAN” alliance and the “I HAVE HONOR” (“PATIV UNEM”) alliance. Remove them from office and hold new elections only for the seats left vacant by the members in order to restore the political health of the nation.
Where shall be settled the survivors of the newest Armenian genocide in Artsakh?
The genocide survivors entering Armenia’s Syunik region adjacent to Artsakh, should be encouraged to take refuge in the strategically located southern Syunik region that connects Armenia to the outside world through Iran. World Armenians and friends of Armenia should provide economic assistance to the survivors to stay in Syunik. The reasoning is that, when the right time comes, they can easily resettle in the newly liberated Artsakh.
It should be a national priority to boost the population numbers in Syunik. Syunik can be the next and decisive battleground in face of new joint Azerbaijani-Turkish aggression for new Turkish land grab.
The struggle for Artsakh self-determination and independence continues. The struggle is intensifying. We cannot relent. Onward to new victories.

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