AANSI Chairman/U.S. Major General (Ret.) Mark MacCarley to receive The Order of Saint Sarkis Medal

Posted on January. 20. 2024

 St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church (Glendale), the Parish Council along with Founding Pastor Reverend Petros Baghramyan, members of the clergy and the entire parish, have unanimously decided to honor The American Armenian National Security Institute (AANSI) Founding Chairman/U.S. Major General (Ret.) Mark MacCarley. Mr. MacCarley is a former Deputy Commander of U.S. Army Training and Doctrination Command. 

On Saturday January 27, 2024 at 12:30 PM Mr. MacCarley will receive The Order of Saint Sarkis Medal at St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church located at 334 N Pacific Ave, Glendale, CA 91203. The presentation of the Medal of Honor will take place at a special ceremony after the Holy Mass in Observance of Saint Sarkis The Warrior. 

Saint Sarkis the General or Sergius Stratelates is revered as a martyr and military saint in the Armenian Apostolic Church. The name Sarkis (Sargis) is the Armenian form of Sergius (Sergios). 

He lived during the 4th century and was a Greek from Cappadocia. St. Sarkis was appointed by the Roman emperor Constantine the Great as General in Chief of the region of Cappadocia bordering Armenia. He was reputed to possess the characteristics of piety, faith, and valor, and used his position to promote spiritual growth and freedom of religion. He fought valiantly to defend basic human rights in the face of despotic rulers. 

In his turn, U.S. Major General (Ret.) Mark MacCarley has done so much and continues to do for the twin Republics of Armenia and Artsakh. 

In the aftermath of the 2020’s 44-Day anti-Armenian Aggression by Azerbaijan Turkiye and ISIS, General (Ret.) MacCarley led the first American/Western team of journalists that was able to enter Artsakh since become first American journalists to arrive in Nagorno Karabakh/Artsakh Republic since early 2021. 

As the Founding Chairman of The American Armenian National Security Institute (AANSI) Mr. MacCarley has led and continues to do so several journalistic and educational missions to Armenia and Artsakh Republics. 

In August 2023 Mr. MacCarley led the first ever AANSI Humanitarian Support Brigade training in Armenia mobilizing nearly 50 people from seven countries who deployed to Armenia. Under Mr. MacCarley’s leadership, the members of the AANSI Humanitarian Support Brigade participated in groundbreaking training provided by highly qualified American and Armenian trainers from the American and Armenian Red Cross, Republic of Armenia Interior Ministry’s Emergency Situations Department as well Defense Ministry’s Information and Cyber-Security Department. 

The driving force behind Mr. MacCarley’s noble idea is to create a culture throughout the Diaspora and the Homeland in being ready for physical deployment from all corners of the Diaspora “within 96 hours upon notification by Armenian officials when a natural disaster such as earthquake, flood, massive fire strikes in Armenia; or manmade disaster such as war erupts at the hands by neighboring Azerbaijan against the defenseless civilian population throughout Armenia,” as underlined by Mr. MacCarley. 

The AANSI Humanitarian Support Brigade training in Armenia is set for June 2024. 

Several American Armenians have rallied around AANSI’s great mission of supporting Armenia/Artsakh’s Sovereignty, Independence and Defence. The efforts are spearheaded by Founding Chairman of AANSI – The American Armenian National Security Institute Mark MacCarley. 

St. Sarkis Parish applauds and celebrates Mr. MacCarley’s great humanitarian spirit. 

Members of the community are cordially invited to the Celebration of Saint Sarkis The Warrior’s Day and church ceremonies including the presentation of the Medal of Honor and the dinner to follow. For more information call Rev. Petros Baghramyan at 747-272-3978. (See announcement on page E16 of this issue) 

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