Preserving and Perpetuating Our Ethnic Heritage by Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian

Posted on January. 25. 2024

The long directed crusade toward preserving and perpetuating our ethnic heritage has seen its peaks and valleys, to be sure, but its strength lies in its continued existence. Of course, the debate still continues whether in the Diaspora Armenians can still preserve their ethnic existence. As always there are two sides on this issue. Some say they cannot; others say they can.
Granted the future of the Armenian Diaspora is uncertain, and the struggle is extremely difficult. But we should never be hopeless. If the Diasporan Armenians were able to survive, despite their losses, hundreds of years away from their fatherland, there is still hope that they will be able to do so in the future, provided that they not lose their will and determination to preserve and perpetuate their culture and heritage.
We all know how important a nation’s culture and heritage are. From their culture and heritage, nations gain a real sense of their roots and belonging. From them they gain knowledge and wisdom, without which they become unrelated to the present. It is their culture and heritage that give them a sense of identity and hold them together as an ethnic group and as a nation.
We, the Armenian people, can learn from our heritage and appreciate its past values and develop the ability to build upon them. We cannot, however, build a sound and strong present and future without those values inherited from the past.
A tremendous challenge lies before the Diaspora’s Armenians. The great task at hand is to preserve what is bequeathed to them from their ancestors. The abdication of this responsibility is unforgivable. If they believe they are the inheritors of a glorious, three-thousand-year-old culture, they should actively commit themselves to ensure its survival which, in turn, will ensure their own survival. With a reaffirmation of will, determination, faith, and fortitude, the safekeeping of the Armenian heritage will be a certainty. But where one is to begin?

  1. One of the most effective ways to preserve and perpetuate the Armenian heritage is the Armenian school. The Armenian school is one of the strongest tools in transmitting our culture. The Armenian language and the Armenian history are vital arteries connecting us to our roots. They are important depositories and powerful conveyers of our ethnic values.
    The Armenian school is destined to be the most potent force to help light the path for future generations of Armenians. It is a powerful weapon to fight against assimilation and the so-called white massacre.
  2. Another powerful tool to preserve and perpetuate the Armenian heritage is the media. Television, radio, and press carry a potential in this realm which one cannot afford to ignore. Radio and television time, in particular, is readily available, and even now is being utilized in presenting many fine programs of an ethnic nature. The Armenian press, along with other media, also plays a very important role in our public life. It serves the public, provides information, and offers guidance. It is also called on to act as public conscience.
    Furthermore, the Armenian press is a link between the Diaspora and Mother Armenia. It is a potent medium of educating the public on Armenian matters.
  3. A third arm of defense to preserve and perpetuate the Armenian heritage is the Armenian Church. The Armenian Church, consisting of the Apostolic, Catholic, and Evangelical branches, is the bedrock of our nation, the front of our ethno-national identity in the Diaspora. Without it, we are spiritually and, to a considerable extent, culturally impoverished people. The church can provide our people with the kind of God-given strength they will need to love one another and to glory in each other’s presence.
    Undoubtedly, the Armenian churches try to preserve the spiritual identity of our people. They have been the institutions which have tried to preserve the best of our spiritual heritage and to advance the noblest ideas of humankind.
  4. A fourth powerful factor to preserve and perpetuate the Armenian heritage is the Armenian organizations. This entity comprises political, cultural, benevolent, compatriotic, and athletic groups. These organizations are dedicated to promote Armenian heritage. They have tremendous potential to assist the new generations of Armenians through their multitude of programs that help preserve and perpetuate our precious heritage.
    The Armenian organizations are the strong and staunch advocates of Armenianism. They have been championing the cause of the Armenian language, history, and culture. They continue to espouse Armenian rights and to keep alive the Armenian Cause. They still organize, supervise, and motivate Armenians to attend Armenian affairs and encourage them to get involved. Separately and corporately, they try to improve the lot of the Disaporan Armenians.
  5. A fifth important and effective tool to preserve and perpetuate the Armenian heritage is the Armenian home. The foundation for ethnic consciousness begins at home. Without the help of the Armenian home, the efforts of other organizations to inculcate the pride of our heritage in our younger generations will be a difficult task.
    One of the major thrusts of transmission of the Armenian heritage at home is the value system. How do children learn and develop Armenian cultural values? Children fashion their value system mainly during childhood. One of the most important ingredients, then, is the parents.
    Similarly, one of the most important classrooms is the home, and the parental dimension is extremely decisive in effective Armenian heritage education. If the Diasporan Armenians are going to raise children who can be proud of their national heritage, ethnic and cultural values, they have to fulfill their responsibilities as Armenian parents by creating a conducive atmosphere at home where their children are exposed to, appreciative of, and taught the Armenian language, history, music, art, and other cultural expressions of their heritage.
    Can Armenians live in the Disporan pluralistic societies, interact freely and openly and still retain their Armenian identity? Yes, they can, provided that they make a personal commitment to a bicultural way of life. This has to be an emotionally as well as intellectually felt act of will, to remain true to their Armenian roots under all circumstances, as in marriage, for better or for worse. Anything less than a total commitment can open the door to the “Hannibal” of assimilation.

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