One of the pillars of Armenian nation both in the twin republics of Armenia and Armenian Diaspora, Armenian Apostolic Church is undergoing a large scale crisis as a result of widespread corruption and nepotism.
Armenian Church Reform supporters believe action must be taken in order to save the church from destruction and avert a major national existential threat.
Armenian Church Reform is a global grassroots movement that aims to eliminate massive corruption and nepotism within Armenian Apostolic Church at the hands of highly corrupted Garegin II and his clansmen such as his blood-brother Yezras Nersisyan of Armenian Church Diocese of Russia, Hovnan Derderian of Armenian Church Diocese of Western United States and others.
Armenian Church Reform has launched this website to serve as an ultimate informational hub keeping concerned fellow Armenians and friends current on all activities initiated by supporters of the reform movement ; alert them on any protest activities that pursue empowerment of Armenian communities across the globe in their righteous demand for the resignation of the illegitimate occupier of the Throne Of Holy See Of Etchmiadzin Garegin II and his cohorts in various parts of the world in order to pave the way to electing a worthy member of the clergy as Catholicos Of All Armenians and empower all the Dioceses and parishes to regain unfairly hijacked their collective rights to autonomy in terms of relieving corrupted members of clergy from their official duties such diocesan primates, parish pastors and replacing them with morally and spiritually healthy and honest spiritual servants by way of democratic voting based on one person-one vote principle in every sector of Diocesan life.