World Armenians have proven time and again that Armenia/Artsakh are not neglected to their fate. The age-old Armenian commitment was renewed at the dawn of the First Democratic Republic of Armenia (1918-1920) under a shield of an impressive Armenian legionnaire movement. That’s how the May 28, 1918 Sardarapat Victory was achieved.

Now, in the aftermath of the unprovoked 44-Day Anti-Armenian Aggression by Azerbaijan-Turkey-ISIS in Fall 2020, numerous Diaspora Armenians are rising yet again to help lift their ancestral Motherland. The committed Diasporans hail from America, and elsewhere.

A group of American Armenians have rallied around the great mission of creating a mechanism through which able-bodied and willing individuals from the American Armenian Diaspora and all corners of the world can deploy to Armenia for humanitarian purposes. The efforts are spearheaded by Founding Chairman of AANSI – The American Armenian National Security Institute Mark MacCarley. Mr. MacCarley is a retired U.S. Army Major General.

The driving force behind this noble idea is to create a culture throughout the Diaspora and the Homeland in being ready for physical deployment from all corners of the Diaspora “within 96 hours upon notification by Armenian officials when a natural disaster such as earthquake, flood, massive fire strikes in Armenia; or manmade disaster such as war erupts at the hands by neighboring Azerbaijan against the defenseless civilian population throughout Armenia,” underlines Mr. MacCarley.

It doesn’t matter what age you are; you can help and make a huge difference in times of national emergencies in Armenia through on-the-ground hands-on participation.

Based on your expertise, you can lend a helping hand in the areas of Disaster Response — man-made or natural, aiming to help overcome and to mitigate the dreadful effects of such calamities on the civilians. You can also provide timely responses to help alleviate the dire effects of unprovoked military aggression against the civilians in Armenia.

If you are not trained and need training, don’t worry, the AANSI Team of expert trainers will provide you with cutting-edge training in Armenia from August 5 through 12, 2023 in any of the fields of your choosing that are critically important in times of national emergencies in Armenia.

Question: Why shall we go all the way to Armenia to do just that? Doesn’t Armenia already have such professional personnel?

The answer is clear: Of course, Armenia has well-trained superb professionals who are already doing wonderful work in service of the civilian population in Armenia. But when, God forbid, a major earthquake, massive forest fire, flooding or even a war strikes, every bit of help counts. Every second counts in terms of saving lives. Any additional human resource is welcome. In times of any kind of national emergen- cies, the human resources of any country can be overwhelmed, including Arme- nia’s. So, that’s where you come in.

Additionally, by trekking to Armenia from your location in the Diaspora within 96 hours of notification, you can make a bold statement to the world that Armenia is not neglected to its fate. As an integral part of Armenia’s vast and resourceful Diaspora, you can play a pivotal role in helping further strengthen Armenia’s Sovereignty, Independence and Defense.

Sign up as a volunteer by joining the first-ever AANSI HUMANITARIAN SUPPORT BRIGADE training in Armenia. For more information and a PDF file of the application, email your inquiry/request to, or call 818-241- 5800. You can also write to: AANSI, C/O MacCarley & Rosen, PLC, 330 N. Brand Blvd., Ste. 1250, Glendale, California 91203. Visit www.; and AANSI YouTube channel — AANSI — American Armenian National Security Inst.–americanarmeniannat4721

The AANSI HUMANITARIAN SUPPORT BRIGADE TO ARMENIA training program includes 1) Training in Disaster response — Manmade or natural; 2) Training in Response to Azerbaijani military aggression against civilians in Armenia; 3) Training in First-Aid — CPR and AED; 4) Training in Cyber/Information Security; 5) Training in Communication/ Network Operations in times of national emergencies.

AANSI is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. AANSI is not funded by the U.S. government, the Republic of Armenia government or any other government. It is funded through donations provided by generous supporters from within the American Armenian community and mainstream Americans with affinity toward Armenia/Artsakh and the Armenian Heritage. AANSI is a non-partisan entity.

By Appo

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