November 29, 2018
Something restless in my heart … I think that I am not the only one. Still, people who truly love Armenia,
and especially the people of Armenia, cannot be calm.
… So, the elections in Armenia. The first election after the so-called “revolution”.
It’s been 7-8 months. It seems to me that the “revolution” was too velvety and too friendly. And, perhaps
because of this same softness, it is difficult to call it a revolution. And how we wanted, and how we dreamed
about it!
For example, I imagined this as the creation of a state with a society of beautiful people – Armenians. Fair
society It seems to me that it was with this idea that the epic of a new and great Armenia could begin. That’s
why I was happy about the revolution. Because it is revolutions that restore justice, in the name of justice
they happen. We want to win, you need to know and understand that without the elementary human
conscience, which lies at the basis of our morality, nothing will happen. So morally or immorally our begun
business. It is impossible for a second to allow the exclusion or distortion of all components of real human
morality, such as lies and juggling, deception or free interpretation of facts. The moral of the revolution is the
restoration of justice. The victory of the revolution is the exclusion of any possibility of returning back from
revolutionary positions.
And where is she, this revolution? It seems to me that the revolution remained there 8 months ago. Now
there is something else that needs to be understood and realized. These 8 months are almost nothing, in any
case, nothing that could be called a revolution. And from a moral point of view, the revolution even lost.
As I said, morality is justice, but is it true that almost all the people who robbed or enriched themselves by
impoverishing the people and the state, or at the expense of what seemed to be the most holy – the Armenian
Army – almost all of them kept their assets. What do you want to show by this, what moral? That money is
still respect? What is your morality, if you are even friends with some of them, not to mention the fact that
you involve them in important government work?
Catholicos and his brother. More immoral people are hard to find. They betrayed their people and
supported this position in every way, do you drink tea with them and promise to visit them periodically? I
wonder what kind of highly moral things you are going to talk to them about? What is your moral? It is
difficult to understand that if people once betray their conscience, it means that their hearts are indifferent or
We came to the elections now, but you wanted to make them a year later. A thousand times I said that
revolution is the restoration of justice immediately, once and for all. But you had to play the lawyers. Like,
the law can not be broken. What is the law? The one that was written by people immoral. After all, they both
wrote and violated these laws. The result is 8 empty months.
And no need to play with words, look for guilty or imaginary reasons. The moral of the revolution is
honesty. The moral of the revolution is transparency. Yes, it is difficult, it is difficult to resist the long years
of accumulated dirt. And so you need to be honest and tell the truth. Only then will the people understand and
fully support you, but now the rod of doubt and not only me.
It is ridiculous, or at least cynical, to say that it is not an achievement, that the prime minister is in a
crowd and at a rally. The best PR is work. Work day and night! Because there is a lot to do and a lot does not
tolerate. And until you ask anyone, everyone says: “Come after the elections!” Rising real estate prices are
only people’s expectations that it will change. This is a commonplace speculation. This is not a real increase
in the level of the economy. Investment activity? It is not and can not be. Unless you count me, when I came
to invest, and I was told: “Come after the elections!” Raising a pension or a living wage? I doubt that anyone
really believed and knows how much the subsistence minimum in Armenia is.

You announce fair elections. And who does participate in the elections? People like Tsarukyan, who was
enriched at the very time when the people became impoverished, the Republican Party with its oligarchs, a
bunch of other parties without a “heroic” past.
In general, leapfrog! She is leapfrog.
The salvation of our country is the business of every honest Armenian. And therefore I said, I was not
silent and I am not going to be silent. Errors must be admitted, errors must be accepted and be honest. Such is
the moral of all good deeds, such is the moral of revolution.
For real victory, you need to adhere to four principles:

  • moral victory (conscience and justice);
  • political victory (the establishment of a new political system, without returning back, with elements of
    truly popular governance);
  • economic victory as a result of radical political changes;
  • education of the new thinking and intellect of the Armenian.
    Finally, I still wish success to Pashinyan and his party. Because we have no other hope now.
    May hope win. Moreover, one cannot live without hope.
    You announce fair elections. And who participates in the elections? People like Tsarukyan, who was
    enriched at the very time when the people became impoverished, the Republican Party with its oligarchs, a
    bunch of other parties without a “heroic” past.
    In general, leapfrog she is leapfrog.
    The salvation of our country is the business of every honest Armenian. And therefore I said, I was not
    silent and I am not going to be silent. Errors must be admitted, errors must be accepted and be honest. Such is
    the moral of all good deeds, such is the moral of revolution.
    For real victory, you need to adhere to four principles:
  • moral victory (conscience and justice);
  • political victory (the establishment of a new political system, without returning
    back, with elements of truly popular governance);
  • economic victory as a result of radical political changes;
  • education of the new thinking and intellect of the Armenian.
    Finally, I still wish success to Pashinyan and his party. Because we have no other hope now.
    May hope win. Moreover, one cannot live without hope.
    Ruben Grigoryan