Transcription of AANSI HSB 2023 Training Documentary
NARRATION BY PETER MUSURLIAN: The American Armenian National Security Institute was formed in 2021 by two Glendale, California residents: retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Mark MacCarley and Appo Jabarian, the managing editor of USA Armenian Life, a weekly newspaper published in Armenian and English.

The American Armenian National Security Institute is known by the acronym AANSI. For nine days in August 2023, nearly 50 people gathered at the Aragats Training Area, about 35 miles Northwest of the Armenian capital of Yerevan. The training area is named after Mt. Aragats, one of the highest peaks in the Armenian Highlands. About a month after the training, the Armenian enclave of Nagorno Karabakh, which Armenians call Artsakh, was ethnically cleansed of its Armenian population. Those events have been dubbed the second Armenian Genocide.
U.S. ARMY MAJ. GEN. (RET.) MARK MACCARLEY: “But I think we’ve had substantial developments since that period, when Artsakh was overrun by the forces of Azerbaijan and over 100,000, who had made their lives in Artsakh, were forcefully evicted.”
NARRATION BY PETER MUSURLIAN: The creation of a hundred thousand Armenian refugees from Artsakh to Armenia, was the culmination of a war perpetrated by oil-rich Azerbaijan against the Armenians in late 2022. The 44- Day war led to 5,000 Armenian deaths and a prolonged blockade, that ended with the ethic cleansing of the indigenous population.

The leaders of AANSI say they are now looking forward… to focus on three objectives: One is education in the U.S., regarding the maintenance and sovereignty of Armenia. Also, education in Armenia, where AANSI has sent a number of retired U.S. Army generals to participate in discussions and education at Armenia’s War College – the National Defense Research University.

U.S. ARMY MAJ. GEN. (RET.) MARK MACCARLEY: “Utilize the strength of the Armenian Army as a force for good.”
NARRATION BY PETER MUSURLIAN: The second objective is philanthropy, in which AANSI raises money to, among other causes, donate money to the Veterans hospital in Armenia to assist wounded and disabled soldiers.
And the third objective is the AANSI Humanitarian Support Brigade.
U.S. ARMY MAJ. GEN. (RET.) MARK MACCARLEY: “The Humanitarian Support Brigade is not a military organization. It’s not a militia, by any stretch of the imagination.
NARRATION BY PETER MUSURLIAN: It’s a group of Armenians from all parts of the global Armenian diaspora…as well as non-Armenian supporters.
U.S. ARMY MAJ. GEN. (RET.) MARK MACCARLEY: “The whole intent of the training is to train men and women, throughout the diaspora, who can respond within 96 hours of a call from the Armenian Ministry of the Interior…to come to Armenia to assist in providing Humanitarian Assistance during times of great need.”
NARRATION BY PETER MUSURLIAN: It was against that backdrop, in August of 2023, that 47 volunteers gathered for the training.
APPO JABARIAN: “We have greeted, during the last few days, the arrival of several members of AANSI’s Humanitarian Brigade from over seven countries and, to their credit, many Armenians and non-Armenians.
NARRATION BY PETER MUSURLIAN: One non-Armenian taking in the training was Mike Leum, who for 20 years has been a civilian employee with the Los Angeles County’s Sherriff Department…overseeing the Reserve Deputy Program, the Mounted Posse, and Sheriff Search & Rescue. And, for three decades, he’s been a volunteer with the L.A. Sherriff’s Montrose Search and Rescue Team.
Another non-Armenian in training…was the former Mayor of Carson Albert Robles, (Photo “former Mayor of Carson Albert Robles, Ani Mkrtchyan, LA County Sheriff Mike Leum” here) who has been a friend of the Armenian community since 2015, when he helped prevent the city of Carson from accepting a gift for the city’s sculpture garden of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, a controversial figure who rose to power in Turkey after the Armenian Genocide of 1915 to 1923. Robles, a former regional water commissioner, also has a water reclamation plant in Pico River named after him.
APPO JABARIAN: “It’s not enough anymore to send money from afar and say ‘Oh, I hope this donation helps’. The time has come for the diaspora to reinvent itself in terms of mobilization. The time has come to integrate the diaspora with the homeland in an unprecedented way.
NARRATION BY PETER MUSURLIAN: The volunteers trained with the Armenian Red Cross, who and the American Red Cross provided instruction in first aid, CPR, wound management, burn treatment and how to handle sprains and fractures. U.S. ARMY MAJ. GEN. (RET.) MARK MACCARLEY: “Once you pass the course and you are certified with the emergency services department…you are part of the first line of response for the Republic of Armenia.”
NARRATION BY PETER MUSURLIAN: Part of the training included a presentation on cybersecurity from Aram Torosyan, from Armenia’s Ministry of Defense. (NAT BRIDGE) They also heard from Col. Arman Mkrtchyan – Armenia’s Defense Attaché to the United States.
He will make a presentation now – a medal for your extraordinary efforts.
Before the training took the volunteers to a location for some hands-on training, we talked with a few of the volunteers about what motivated them to participate.
DR. PILOSSYAN: “What can I do first to appreciate what the United States did for me and my nation and how to feedback. Mr. MacCarley explained in a way that you can’t say no”. (Photo “Dr. Pilossyan “ here )
SERGEY MASHURYAN: “After the 2020 War there were a lot of changes at the border in the Syunik region where I’m from. We’re concerned so I’m sure this training with my collegues will give us a lot of confidence in dealing with the existing realities in a more professional way”. (Photo “Sergey Mashuryan“ here )
Garbis Korajian: “I feel today Armenia is somewhat in a difficult situation. The situation is not stable . So for us, Armenians we have to be prepared to tackle situations – unpredictable and unexpected situations that might come about. (Photo “Garbis Korajian“ here )
U.S. ARMY MAJ. GEN. (RET.) MARK MACCARLEY: “We’re here at a training site in NW Armenia. Our mission, among others, is to provide humanitarian support to Armenia in times of crisis.
NARRATION BY PETER MUSURLIAN: The training area, by the large artificial lake in Aragats, allowed for disaster training. For earthquakes, the Department of Emergency Services offered insights and training from mastering rescue equipment to rappelling down buildings.
MIKE LEUM: “It’s been great seeing our international partners perform rescue operations using the equipment that they have at hand and very impressed at their abilities.”
CARSON MAYOR ALBERT ROBLES: As human beings, we have a tendency to just take care of ourselves and our own and being a little cocoon but there’s a world around us and I think when any peoples around the world is in need, because of a crisis situation and their suffering that could be mitigated, we should do our part. And now that I’m no longer in the office, my kids are older, the timing was right to come here and make a positive contribution to the Armenian Community”.
The volunteers observed the locals fighting with a brush fire high above them and executing a water rescue.
ANI MARTIKYAN: “I think that AANSI is one of those organizations that are super strong in their mission and their mission is to connect the Armenian community back to each other”.
BEN ALLEN: “This will definitely be a highlight of my life”
JACQUE RAFI PAPAZIAN in French – I got involved with AANSI to fight for the security and sovereignty of Armenia. (Photo “Jacque Rafi Papazian” here)
ANI MKRTCHYAN: “I think this program is very important because it unites Armenians around the world together for the sovereignty of our country. So, we come from a country of war and we go to fight and it’s important that we are able to help one another with the education we learn from this program – first aid, how to treat injuries and burns. So I think this is very important for everybody to be able to help one another.”